My apologies to those of you who subscribe to my blog, New Jersey Uncorked and did not receive Sunday’s post. I have been reassured by the folks who do this for a living at WordPress, that the glitch has been fixed and you should get this brief note. I will check with a few of you who are close by to make sure you get this note, so I can (and you can) be assured that you will receive the next post on Sunday. In the meantime, you can access last week’s post and any previous post, the old fashion way via
You may also notice a cookie note that you will need to accept or manage in order to proceed. This is a Google addition, not mine. The only information I need is your email so the post can be delivered to you. Google Analytics may detect that you like wine since you subscribe to a wine blog. So if their algorithm puts an occasional ad in your online browsing…(actually I’m sure most of you already experience this).
Anyway, thank you for being a subscriber and thank you for your patience with this issue.
David Mullen
New Jersey Uncorked